EcoBunker er patenterede teknologier (EcoBunker Advanced og EcoBunker AquaEdge) der gør det muligt at designe og bygge golf bunkers ved hjælp af en kombination af genbrugsmaterialer.
Traditionelle revetted bunkere (i USA også kaldet: sod wall bunkers) bygges som oftest op af stabler af turflag. Disse klassiske bunkere kræver rigtig meget vedligeholdelse, vedligholdese som er kostelig i såvel tid som penge.
EcoBunkere er konstruerede udfra genbrug af kunstig turf i kombination med andre genbrugsmaterialer. Dette gør vedligeholdelse betydeligt lettere - mindre tidskrævende og økonomisk besparende.
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Just a short note to say how happy we are at Secession that we decided to redo all our bunkers. It is my belief that using EcoBunker has finally completed what I attempted to do with my original design of revetted bunkers at Secession.
Thanks to Llewellyn and his crew, as well as Mark Mitchell and his staff, we will hold our first tournament next week, with anticipation of feedback from the quality players that are scheduled to participate. I believe they will be very positive.
Bruce Devlin
Course Designer
Secession Golf Club
I first encountered Richard’s invention to solve the problem of bunker face maintenance at Southerndown GC. I was immediately impressed by the natural look and the obvious maintenance savings that it would provide. Having recently taken up the role of Course & Club Manager at Pennard GC I took the opportunity to introduce EcoBunker to a few troublesome bunkers. The response from members and committee has been very positive and I am supporting a full course renovation using this innovative approach to solving this long standing greenkeeping challenge.
Huw Morgan MG
Course and Club Manager
Pennard GC
EcoBunker Ltd delivered a highly professional service to Romsey GC. The bunkers on our first and second holes now look superb and the feedback from the membership has been very positive. We see these bunkers as being the first of a much larger project using your invention, which will improve the aesthetics of the course and considerably reduce the maintenance burden of our bunkers.
Marc Cole
General Manager
Romsey Golf Club
We get a lot of visiting golfers here at Royal Winchester GC. This year in particular we have been getting many compliments about the outstanding condition of the course. Many of the visitors specifically identify our new EcoBunkers as being particularly good, and none of them realise the revetted edges and faces are made of synthetic grass.
Andy Barber
Course Manager
Royal Winchester Golf Club
Billeder fra Frederikssund Golfklub
Gode grunde til at golfklubben med udfordringer omkring deres bunkers bør kigge nærmere på EcoBunkers
- Golf bunkers are our passion and our experienced team of inventors, engineers and greenkeepers are committed to delivering the best synthetic bunker faces and edges
- Free, impartial advice on artificial grass, bunker construction, drainage, liners and much more from our professional team
- EcoBunker, our patented core product, is the most natural looking and durable edge solution on the market
Life expectancy of 20+ years
A superior, sustainable alternative to natural revet (or sod wall) construction, EcoBunker, with a life expectancy of 20 years and more, is the invention of our MD Richard Allen. Richard remains fully committed to R&D and continual product improvement
- We understand bunker economics and can tailor construction contract solutions, finance packages and licensing options to suit your club’s requirements
- In pursuit of the best quality design options for your golf course we regularly work alongside leading golf course architects, to deliver a sustainable solution that fits your needs
- Our golf bunker construction team has unparalleled experience, having delivered bunkers at St Andrews, Turnberry, Old Head of Kinsale, Ballybunion Old, Royal St David’s, Pennard, Trump National Jupiter, Secession and over 50 other courses in 8 different countries